Episode 66 - Linda Langelo is a Colorado State University Extension, Horticulture Agent.
Linda Langelo – Colorado State University Extension
Linda Langelo is a Colorado State University Extension, Horticulture Agent. The five counties under her care are in Northeast Colorado. In 2020, a 100-year event called a derecho devastated the small towns of Akron and Haxtun. To help in the recovery of these towns, she sought to partner with the Colorado Forest Service Regional Education Coordinator, Donna Davis, and was able to secure funding from Colorado Tree Coalition (CTC) to reforest these communities.
She received her Master’s Degree in Education Administration from Salisbury State University in Salisbury, Maryland. Graduated from the Horticulture Program at Longwood Gardens after graduating from Cabrini College with a degree in English Communications, with a minor in Biology and Botany. She was a member of the Tri-Beta Honor Society. In July 2021, she was the recipient of the Lois Woodward Paul Memorial Award.
During her 40 years in horticulture, she has both implemented arboretums and overseen them. As Assistant Director of Horticulture at Salisbury State University, she helped implement a campus-wide arboretum still going strong today. She went on to be Director at Adkins Arboretum early in its implementation increasing its exposure in the local and surrounding communities and as a member of the American Public Garden Association.
Currently, she writes a monthly column called the Relentless Gardener and has a Facebook Page titled Garden the Plains, and has a book awaiting publisher’s approval called “Plants Are Speaking. Are You Listening?”